The Huey Lottery By B.O. Cartwright, M.A. (1924)
The Siam Society Journal, Vol. XVIII, part 1

This is a full article about the history of Huey Lottery in Siam (about 20 pages).

About the origins of the game :

The Huey Lottery had its origin in China, and was introduced into Siam under the following circumstances : — In the Third Reign, in the year of the Rabbit BE 2374 (AD 1831), the rainfall was very large ; but in the year following the amount of rain was small and rice was very dear and so scarce that it had to be imported into Siam. Many had no money wherewith to buy food and in consequence had to work and receive rice as wages : even the tax-farmers had no cash and were obliged to pay in merchandise, and the Chinese being unable to pay their poll-tax had to work in the city. At last the King cogitated that although much money had been coined, it had apparently all disappeared : he suspected that the populace had been attempting a corner in opium, and so he ordered that much opium should be seized and burnt; but still the coin remained in obscurity. One day the Spirit Farmer, Chesua Hong remarked to the King that the populace had buried the money, but that if a lottery were started he was sure that they would dig it up again. Hence, the King was pleased to tell Chin Hong to start one, and it is on record that Chesua Hong actually started the Huey Lottery in Siam in the Third Reign, Year of the Horse BE 2378 (AD 1835).

The Lottery House was originally situated at Sapan Han, but was soon moved to a site near the Burapha Palace. It was burnt down in the year B. E 2415, after which it was opened again near Pratu Samyot, where it remained until the lottery was abolished.

Here is the list of the 36 profession/persons/animals.

1ก.UperatSam HueyGibbon
2ข.OfficerNgouey PohTortoise
3ฃ.NoblemanTjian KoueyFish
4ค.Two Market-womenHatangOyster
5ฅ.Governor's wifeMeng TjiuFlat fish
6ฆ.Luang ChinYit SuaCock
7ง.Robber officerTjikouLion
8จ.NunAn süWild cat
9ฉ.Pork-butcherTjititStriped Cat
12ฌ.NoblemanHuey kuaPheasant
13ญ.Governor's servantYongsengGoose
14ด.CouncillorKwang mengHorse
15ต.FerrymanPit tit (rua chang)Pig
16ถ.NoblemanPhan kuiConch-shell
17ท.Beautiful girlSieng TjioEdible nest swallow
18ธ.GovernorTai pengDragon
19น.Luang ChinThien sinCrab
20บ.Luang ChinTjeliTurtle
23ฝ.BeggarNguan kuiShrimp
25ฟ.Governor's son-in-lawKhaokuaCrow
26ภ.Robber GeneralKhunsuaTiger
27ม.Military MandarinHanhunBuffalo
28ย.NoblemanYong ChunPeacock
29ร.Governor's sisterKin NgekButterfly
30ล.Luang ChinThien LiengEel
31ว.Luang ChinChe hunHeron
32ส.Noble manAh HaiFrog
33ห.Charcoal sellerBong limBee
34ฬ.BeggarNguan kitGazelle
35อ.School boyBuam kimearth-snake
36ฮ.Military mandarin who guards frontierChia sunWild Boar

The author says there is 6 groups of personages, but he says the last one contains the 11 remaining letters when 13 are left... so it seems strange
Here are the 6 groups
  • Group. 1 "si tjo nguan" meaning the four nobles.
  • Group. 2 "lak t'ae sfi" meaning the six Phras.
  • Group 3. "si khit tjia'" meaning the four mendicants.
  • Group "si tjape" meaning the four ladies.
  • Group 5 "ngo woho wotjang" meaning the five tigers.
  • Group 6 "sui yi" meaning unclassified letters.